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Published: June 18, 2020

This morning I attended my monthly networking meeting attended by a dedicated, caring and professional group of business leaders who I adore. As an introduction to all meetings, we check in by sharing our word of the week. Sharing helping us describe where we are emotionally and how we see our week progressing with that […]

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Published: April 1, 2020

Early this morning I heard my daughter walk by my bedroom door. It was 3:45 AM.   “Are you up?” I asked.   She wandered into my room and crawled into my bed. We both were wide awake. Sleep patterns have been odd these days.   “How are you with all this?” I asked. Thus, […]

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Published: March 6, 2020

How are you waking up today? Any chance, you, like me, are wondering how the spread of COVID-19 will impact your health, your business and your relationships? Reading the morning headlines, its apparent that we are at the cusp of something that has the potential of literally shifting us from the chug of “business as […]

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Published: January 22, 2020

  I love chocolate. I get excited when I see a chocolate fountain at a corporate event or a wedding reception. There is nothing more fun than watching the chocolate drip from the top of the fountain onto each level allowing you to dunk your fruit or cake into the gooey river of goodness. It’s […]

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Published: September 9, 2019

“I had the best conversation with my boss yesterday,” a friend shared with me over the weekend. “We spoke for over three hours. I was able to give him feedback on the leadership team and ideas on how we could make improvements,” he sounded happier than he'd been in months. “Sounds like a breakthrough,” I […]

Categories: Leadership, Team
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